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Experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise visited the Police Academy of Hungary

In the period from October 3 to 7, 2022, practical training for forensic experts and forensic medical institutions of Ukraine was held at the Police Academy of Miskolc (Hungary), organized by the European Training Center of Active Forensic Sciences (ETAF) together with the Police Academy of Hungary and other European international experts in the field of criminalistics and forensic medicine. It was organized in order to provide Ukraine with joint support in the field of criminalistics and forensic medicine. The main lecturers of the training were representatives of leading European forensic institutions from more than 14 countries, including representatives of Belgium, Great Britain, Spain, Serbia and Germany, etc.

The main tasks of the training were the comparison of the respective working methods of the participants, including the applicable protocols; consideration of the methods used in Ukraine compared to other available methods; initial assessment of the needs of the forensic and forensic medical service of Ukraine; development of the foundations of an agreed international program for providing support to forensic experts of Ukraine.

The participants of the training from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise were the following experts:

  • Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise;
  • Viktoriia Kulykovska, the Head of the Questioned Document Examination Department;
  • Ihor Samoilenko, Chief Forensic Expert of the Ballistics, Explosive and Weapons Research Department;
  • Larysa Oliynyk, Senior Forensic Expert of the Materials, Substances and Products Research Department;
  • Yurii Irkhin, Head of the Psychological Research Department;
  • Iryna Bilous, Head of the Handwriting Research Department;
  • Tymur Tsapko, Head of the Traceology, Ballistics, Explosive and Weapons Research Department;
  • Olena Pavlenko, Head of the Commodity Research and Intellectual Property Research Department;
  • Tetiana Kryvak, Junior Researcher of the Scientific Activity and International Cooperation Department.

On the initiative of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, forensic medical experts from relevant institutions of Ukraine were also invited to participate in the training, namely:

  • Tamara Lychman, Acting Head of the State Institution “Main Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”;
  • Olha Dubrovska, Forensic medical expert of the State Institution “Main Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”;
  • Ihor Rozovyk, Deputy Chief for Expert Work of the Kyiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination;
  • Inna Padei, Head of the Department of Forensic Medical Examination of Corpses of the Kyiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination;
  • Oleksandra Hrynchyshyna, Doctor, forensic medical expert, and criminologist of the Kyiv City Clinical Bureau of Forensic Medical Examinations;
  • Liliia Pylypchuk, Doctor, forensic medical expert, and criminologist of the Kyiv City Clinical Bureau of Forensic Medical Examinations.

During the training, a visit was also made to the Main Police Center in the city of Budapest.

During the training, the participants were able to share their experience with international experts, and deepen their practical knowledge and skills. At the end of the practical training, the participants received international certificates.

From the other side, Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, presented commemorative awards to Sven Benthaus, ETAF Director and Kornel Papp, Deputy Chief of Police of Hungary for supporting Ukrainian experts in organizing and conducting training outside of Ukraine in these difficult times. It should be noted that for the first time during the aggression of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, a trip for 15 experts outside Ukraine was organized for practical training. Nataliia Nestor also thanked the brave soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine and emphasized that thanks to their heroism, Ukrainian experts today have the opportunity to attend events of this level. Unity is our strength and together we are invincible!

Glory to Ukraine!

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