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Experts of the Kropyvnytskyi Branch of KFI discussed relevant issues of law and socio-economic relations with colleagues

Konstiantyn Lahoda, the head of the Kropyvnytskyi Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise became a participant of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Law and Socio-Economic Relations”.

The event was held on the basis of Kirovohrad Institute of Human Development of the University “Ukraine” with the participation of representatives of the Kirovohrad Regional Council, the Main Territorial Department of Justice of the Kirovohrad Oblast, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Kirovohrad Oblast, public organizations and higher educational institutions.

The purpose of the conference was to discuss the theory and practice of legal science as well as socio-economic relations in the context of the challenges of modern society to develop scientifically based recommendations concerning the development of the legal framework of the state, restoring and adopting high quality economic, health, management and cultural potential.

The work of the participants was organized in two sections, namely:

  • Section 1 “Legal and economic problems of the development of modern society”;
  • Section 2 “Health-saving aspects of social development”.

In accordance with the areas of work of the conference, among the issues discussed were topical issues of civil, administrative and financial law as well as topical issues of criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics.

Particular attention was focused on summarizing the developments of specialists on topical issues in the field of modern law, finance, management and physical rehabilitation, documentation of the prospects in law, economics, management and social development.

Representatives of government agencies and public organizations, prominent figures and scholars were among the speakers of the event.

According to Konstiantyn Lahoda, the Head of the Kropyvnytskyi Branch of KFI, the communication between representatives of forensic institutions and colleagues from other departments is an important tool in the development of forensic expertise as a whole. The participation of forensic experts in various scientific and practical activities allows us to establish and maintain interdepartmental cooperation, to achieve faster solution of problematic issues with the most positive result.

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