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Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will expand the study of soil quality research

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will develop the study of soil quality research in response to the government’s initiative to improve the mechanism of conservation and reproduction of soil fertility.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution that provides for reimbursement to the lessor of losses in the event of deterioration of the quality of the soil of the leased land plot or its inadequate condition. Thus, the decision on introducing changes to the Model Land Lease Agreement has improved the management mechanism in the sphere of land use and protection, preservation and reproduction of soil fertility. It is expected that the decision will help protect the interests of landowners, as well as increase revenues to local budgets.

The adopted improvements include, in particular, fixing in the lease agreement indicators of qualitative characteristics of the soil cover at the time of its transfer to lease, as well as reimbursement to the lessor of losses in the event of deterioration of the quality of the soil of the leased land plot or its inadequate condition.

The relevant studies of soil-based objects are conducted today within the framework of forensic soil expertise. Within the framework of the relevant studies, the experts of KFI carry out comparative studies of the layers with comparative and control samples of soil from different localities, determine the nature of the layers, the association of the soil layers of the soil of a particular site (localization of the site), reveal soil layers on the storage objects and solve many other tasks.

The study of soil quality, as well as the compliance of the indicators with the State Standards of Ukraine, will become a new promising field of research of experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. Work in this direction requires constant improvement of the professional level of the specialists of KFI. Thus, the leading experts of the Institute took part in a practical seminar “Equipment for non-destructive analysis in forensic expertise”.

The experts studied within the framework of the seminar the “Mastersizer 3000” device for automatic analysis of the granulometric composition of objects, primarily soil-origin and soil substances.

According to the specialists of KFI, the “Mastersizer 3000” device allows to quickly and accurately determine the particle size distribution of the test sample in terms of size (soils, powder substances, emulsions, suspensions, etc.) in a wide range – from several millimeters to nanometers. It should be noted that the granulometric indicators are one of the main ones in assessing the quality of soils. It is important that modern equipment allows significantly accelerate the conduct of relevant studies, and compliance with the conditions of analysis excludes the influence of the operator on the result.

In response to the current demands of the society, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise contributes to the development of new promising areas of research, updating the material and technical base and the use of innovative technologists in forensic expert activity.

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