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Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise became participants of the international seminar “Road accidents analysis with the use of PC Crash software”

Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, namely Pavlo Borshchevskyi, the Head of the Department of Auto-Technical Research, Oleksandr Yurchenko, the Leading Expert of the Department of Auto-Technical Research and Serhii Kalmykov, the Senior Forensic Expert of the Department of Auto-Technical Research became participants of the international scientific and practical seminar “Road accidents analysis with the use PC Crash software”.

The event was held on the basis of the Odesa Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, with the participation of representatives of state research forensic institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, representatives of the law enforcement agencies, security experts in Ukraine and leading European countries.

The main speaker of the seminar was the official representative of the developer of the PC Crash software complex, Doctor of Technical Science Valentina Mitunavičiūtė (UAB Impulsana, Lithuania).

The program of the seminar included work in two areas:

in the information part, to the participants were presented modern European and world technologies, theoretical bases and practical tools in the field of accident analysis, in particular, it was about the use of modern computer software to reconstruct the circumstances of an accident for a wide range of participants;

the training part provided for the practical training, for working with software, the study of principal approaches, algorithms and applied methods of solving specific practical issues in the field of auto- technical expertise, practical consultations.

Within the framework of the seminar the software for developing DSD of modern versions was considered: PC Crash 11.1, PC Rect 4.2, which is included in the list of proper equipping of laboratories for the analysis of accidents in accordance with the Best Practices for Reconstruction of Road Traffic of the European Network of Forensic Institutes (Best Practice Manual for Road Accident Reconstruction, ENFSI). Its use is a guarantee of compliance of expert work on the investigation of the circumstances of accidents to modern and promising standards of European and world level.

In addition, the agenda included consideration of such topics as:

  • a review of modern techniques and tools for the analysis of accidents;
  • Computer programs of dynamic modeling;
  • use of information from the Internet;
  • the possibilities of dynamic modeling programs for solving problems of road accident analysis (for example, PC Crash);
  • work with a database of vehicles;
  • collision analysis technologyо;
  • basics of calculation and analysis of collisions;
  • modeling the motion of the vehicle on a plane and in space;
  • practical examples of road accident modeling
  • preparation of a report and simulation visualization etc.

In general, within two working days, the participants have worked more than two dozen discussion topics on topical issues of carrying out auto-technical research.

As a result of the seminar, the participants received the certificates and will be able to use their knowledge and skills in practical professional activities.

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