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Experts of Kropyvnytskyi Branch of KFI will continue to develop cooperation with representatives of the National Police of Ukraine

Continuing the practice of interaction between law enforcement agencies and forensic institutions, a regular scientific and practical seminar was held at the Kropyvnytskyi Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise with employees of the investigative units of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kirovohrad oblast.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the use of special psychological knowledge of forensic expertise in criminal proceedings.

Within the framework of the event, the expert of Kropyvnytskyi Branch of KFI, Tetiana Litvinova reported on the main issues of appointment and conduct of forensic psychological examination, as well as the application of specific research methods in typological situations.

To understand the importance of conducting a psycho-physiological study, the expert conducted a practical demonstration of the trial testing process – checking the diagnosis of emotional stress based on the use of a polygraph.

The listeners took with interest the main theme of the seminar. After the Speaker’s report, during the dialogue, representatives of the National Police clarified the answers to questions about the conduct of the research process, the legal grounds for the use of the polygraph in Ukraine, the statistical data on the disclosure of crimes and the evidence of the non-involvement of the accused in grave crimes.

The participants were interested in the main themes of the seminar. Following the report of the speaker, in the course of communication, representatives of the National Police clarified the answers to questions on the conduct of the investigation, the legal grounds for the use of the polygraph in Ukraine, the statistical data on the disclosure of crimes and the evidence of the non-involvement of the accused in grave crimes.

As a result, the audience made a conclusion that the seminar was productive and informative. Meetings of this format will be held in the future.

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