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Experts of KFI will conduct a psychological and linguistic research of the speech of Oleksandr Linchevskyi, the Deputy Minister of Health

In pursuance of the resolution of the Prime Minister of Ukraine to initiate disciplinary implementation on the violation of disciplinary enforcement regarding the Deputy Minister of Health, Oleksandr Linchevskyi, in order to study information disseminated in the mass media on his statement on May 15, 2018, during the consideration of the Accounting Chamber’s report on the audit of the efficiency of using state budget funds allocated to the Ministry of Health for the treatment abroad of Ukrainian citizens, a meeting of the relevant disciplinary commission was held.

Independent experts at the meeting were representatives of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, namely: Deputy Director Nataliia Nestor, Iryna Tymoshok, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Organization of Expert Activities, Yurii Irkhin, Head of the Department of Psychological Research and Svitlana Dolynkivska, Head of the Sector of Linguistic Studies of Written Speech.

The results of the meeting were announced by Konstiantyn Vashchenko, the Head of the Commission, the Head of the National Agency for Public Service. The Commission decided to send a transcript of the meeting of the Accounting Chamber for the study. Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will conduct a comprehensive psycho-linguistic study, according to which the commission will make further decisions.

We should remind that the psycho-linguistic examination is a complex research conducted jointly by psychologists and linguistic experts. Objects of psychological and linguistic analysis are any sources of information – live speech, written materials, drawings, graphics, visual images, video materials, audio recordings, texts with photos etc.

In the course of the research, experts determine whether or not the disseminate information contains signs of insult, affects the honor and dignity of citizens, can disgrace the image and business reputation of a legal entity or the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual. In addition, the tasks of psychological and linguistic expertise are the identification of psychological patterns that cause a positive or negative perception of the audience (listeners, viewers), an answer to a moral or ethical or psychological question.

The results obtained form the basis of the general conclusion.

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