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Experts of KFI commemorate the victims of the MH17 flight and continue its work in the International Investigation Team for the investigation of the air crash

The world is being honored the memory of the victims of the plane crash of the MH17 flight. The terrible tragedy that occurred on July 17, 2014 in the sky over the Donbas took the lives of 298 people.

On the third year of the disaster, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko expressed his condolences to the families of deceased and announced the signing of the agreement between Ukraine and the Netherlands on the mechanism for bringing to justice the perpetrators of the tragedy.

“This is our common response to the geopolitical ambitions of those who are trying to undermine the establishment of truth at the highest international level. I am convinced that objectiveness and impartiality of the Dutch justice will complete this path. Our joint duty before the memory of those whose heartbeats have been cut off by a Russian missile just three years ago”, – said Petro Poroshenko.

By the number of victims, the Boeing 777 crash has become the largest in the history of our state. The International Investigative Team (JIT) was set up on the fact of the disaster which included the representatives of Belgium, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Malaysia and Australia. Oleksandr Ruvin, the Director of KFI, headed the Ukrainian Expert Group.

The International Investigative Team came to the conclusion that the aircraft was shot down by the missile launched the Buk missile system. A significant part of the research was carried out on the territory of our state. During the investigation a number of investigative actions were carried out and collected a full-fledge evidence base. In the Netherlands the fragments from the aircraft have been assembled into a single unit. The picture after all has confirmed the conclusions of the domestic specialists.

In addition, the experts of KFI second by second have calculated the route and trajectory of the missile that shot down the aircraft. Specialists of the Institute studied the missile warhead which contained unique elements. The corresponding research has allowed drawing a conclusion about its origin, because there are no analogues of such particles.

On the territory of Ukraine under the chairmanship of KFI together with the representatives of the Ministry of Justice was carried out a unique arena test for practical investigation of technical causes of the aircraft crash. It was implemented for the first time a full-scale investigative experiment on the territory of Ukraine.

The conclusions made from the work of the experts had become a significant contribution to the reports of the International Investigative Team. Cooperation between countries continues. We hope that the work of experts of KFI will help to find out the truth more quickly and the perpetrators of the tragedy will bear responsibility.

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