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Experts of KFI carry out expertise in the field of intellectual property

One of the priority tasks of Ukraine today is legal, scientific and socio-economic support for the creation and development of existing mechanism of the intellectual property protection. The current legislative and regulatory framework in Ukraine provides an effective system of means and methods for protecting rights to intellectual property objects as well as defines the procedure for its implementation.

The experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conduct relevant expertise of the objects of intellectual property. Their main task is to determine the features of the latter that includes objects of copyright, objects of neighboring rights and objects of industrial property.

During the research the experts of KFI carry out the following expertise:

  • Research related to the literary, artistic works etc;
  • Research related to computer programs and data compilation (databases);
  • Research related to the use of phonograms, visible records, programs (broadcasts) of broadcasting organizations;
  • Research related to inventions and utility models;
  • Research related to industrial samples concerning plant varieties;
  • Research related to animal breeds concerning the commercial (company) names, trademarks (goods and services’ marks), geographical indications;
  • Research related to the topography of the integrated circuits;
  • Research related to commercial secrets (know-how) and rationalization proposals;
  • Economic research in the field of intellectual property etc.

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