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Expert of the Kyiv Scientific Institute of Forensic Expertise became a speaker on the new talk show of UA: Pershyi

Mykola Shyshov, Head of the Land Management and Land Valuation Research Department at the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, took part in the first program “Humanly”, which will be broadcast on the UA: Pershyi from September.

The topic of the program was a long-standing dispute over the boundaries of the owners of adjacent land plots.

During the program, Mykola Shyshov explained the main causes of problems with land plots, in particular why “overlays” appear when one land plot enters the area of ​​another, as well as ways to solve such situations.

The expert also spoke about the possibilities of land technical expertise and the procedure for its implementation.

Land disputes are quite common, for a number of reasons. The experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise have extensive experience in conducting research on land management and determining the compliance of actual land use with title documents, land management documentation for land plots, and regulations.

Микола Шишов завідувач відділу досліджень з питань землеустрою та оцінки земель Київського науково-дослідного інституту судових експертиз

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