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Evidence of crimes of Russian missile attacks on Ukraine, on the facts of which the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducts forensic examinations, is transferred to the International Criminal Court

During the russian aggression against Ukraine, with the exception of nuclear weapons at the tactical and strategic levels, the terrorist country carried out attacks on our state using almost all available modifications of missile systems in their arsenal.

During 15 months of military aggression, experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducted thorough research and identified various types of missiles, including “S300/S-400”, “Kh-101”, “Kh-22”, “Kh-59”, “Kh-55/Kh-555”, “Caliber”, “Onyx”, “Kinzhal (Dagger)”, “Iskander”. In addition, the objects of their research were hundreds of fragments and components of strike unmanned aerial vehicles, such as “Shahed 131”, “Shahed 136”, “Mohajer-3”, and “Mohajer-6”, as well as reconnaissance drones.

Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, notes that due to a large number of collected fragments and fragments of russian missiles, it was possible to successfully identify most of them. The results of the research are of great importance both for bringing perpetrators to justice in the future and for supporting air defence efforts to counter enemy air attacks.

Currently, the stage of work with experts of the special investigation team of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the basis of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has been completed. Oleksandr Ruvin also stressed that evidence of missile attacks against civilians and important infrastructure was investigated jointly by Ukrainian and foreign experts. At this stage, all tasks have been successfully completed, but cooperation will continue, as the International Criminal Court plays a key role in ensuring fair trials for crimes committed by Russians in Ukraine.

Representatives of the mission of the International Criminal Court highly appreciated the cooperation with Ukrainian experts, pointing to its important role in identifying key cases. These cases will become the basis for bringing to justice specific individuals, in particular the leadership of the aggressor state, in the future.

Such fruitful cooperation allows the ICC to obtain the necessary evidence and information necessary to investigate and prosecute crimes. This is an important step in ensuring justice and preventing impunity for crimes committed within the framework of the conflict. The joint work of Ukrainian and international experts creates a solid basis for bringing those responsible to justice and signals the inadmissibility of war crimes and violations of international law.

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