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Congratulations on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

The staff of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine sincerely congratulates everyone on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

With every year of development of our state, awareness of this event and date, August 24, is deepening its significance for the whole country, for each of us, its citizens. This is natural: big events great events are perceived at a distance, over time.

In the hearts of the people of Ukraine, the August blueness of the sky and the orange grain wedge merge with the colors of Ukrainian statehood in the history of freedom and labor. The creation of the life of the Motherland, its present and future is the duty of each of us, of the entire people.

Ukraine and its citizens face difficult and big tasks, but together we will overcome any obstacles to strengthening the independence of our state.

We wish every Ukrainian family, every citizen good health and well-being. May the Independence Day bring happiness and goodness, understanding and solidarity, peace and love to your home!

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!

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