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Congratulations on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues, friends,

The staff of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise sincerely congratulates on a great holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine!

Today’s holiday is of great national importance as a holiday of social harmony and peace, good unity of people in the name of prosperity of their native country. 28 years ago, the Ukrainian people approved the eternal idea of statehood and independence. Today we are all share a sense of patriotism towards our native land, we strive for peace, prosperity and mutual understanding, work fruitfully and enthusiastically for the good of our native country and we believe that success will come!

State independence has opened up unique opportunities for economic growth, spiritual and cultural development of our country. Over the years of independence, a generation has grown up for which the words “freedom”, “right to choose”; “democratic values” are not just legal terms, but a way of life. Our country is growing; it is discovering new opportunities and prospects. The key to state-building success is social harmony, the creative unification of the efforts of all citizens of a free and independent Ukraine.

Today, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is emerging as a center for the development of expert and scientific work, the use of special knowledge for the benefit of justice, new labor achievements. We believe that the great and strong, wise Ukrainian people in harmony and mutual understanding, will increase the authority and power of our country, work to consolidate society with the goal of development and prosperity of our native country.

We wish you health, happiness, kindness, prosperity, peace, strength and inspiration in all your affairs. Let the dream of a better future inspire new achievements, new good undertakings, in the name of a united independent democratic prosperous Ukraine, a reliable guarantee of well-being and a happy life for its people. Let the source of faith, hope and love for Ukraine be inexhaustible!

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!

With kind regards

Oleksandr Ruvin

Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

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