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Congratulations on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Every year on December 06, we honor the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Armed Forces have always been our pride and glory. After the outbreak of a full-scale war, the whole world learned about the courage and professionalism of Ukrainian soldiers.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are the sword and shield of Ukraine, our support and defense. The best sons and daughters of Ukraine are fighting in the Armed Forces for the independence and freedom of our homeland. There is no more noble mission than protecting your people and your homeland.

Also on December 06, according to the new church calendar, Ukraine celebrates St. Nicholas Day.

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and wish you enough strength and unshakable faith, brave ideas and good hopes, confident plans and a sure success, unquenchable optimism and the excellent performance of all your tasks. May St. Nicholas keep you safe, and may he grant Ukraine victory over the enemy and peace on our land!

Glory to the Heroes!

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