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Congratulations on the Day of Heroes of Ukraine!

Every year on May 23, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Heroes of Ukraine. On this day, Ukrainians honor the memory of all those who have sacrificed their lives for Ukraine’s freedom and independence throughout its history. This is a particularly important date for us in the context of the ongoing war with russia. But it is also a sad day when we honor the memory of those who died defending our homeland.

Heroes’ Day was established on May 23, 1941, by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in honor of one of the most prominent Ukrainian nationalists, Yevhen Konovalets, who was killed on May 23, 1938, by an NKVD officer.

After gaining independence, the holiday became increasingly popular. On this day, we honor Ukrainian warriors of all eras – knights of Kyivan Rus, Cossacks, partisans, rebels, Sich Riflemen, UPR and UPA soldiers, ATO veterans, and especially our current heroes who protect us every day from the occupiers.

Health and God’s blessings, eternal glory and gratitude to all Ukrainian defenders, and eternal memory to those who died for Ukraine. We believe in Ukraine’s victory!

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