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Congratulations on the All-Ukrainian Day of the psychologist!

The staff of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates the experts of the Department of Psychological Research, as well as all psychologists of Ukraine on a professional holiday – the All-Ukrainian Day of psychologist!

This holiday is an occasion to express gratitude to people who share other people’s problems and victories, grief and joy, and also help others to find themselves. A separate honorable and responsible mission lies on forensic psychologists, because you are the ones who help to establish the truth in cases of justice.

Dear colleagues, friends! We wish you faith in yourself and your country, inviolability of spirit and good health, beautiful, sincere and free people who can independently, responsibly and carefully act under all circumstances! Let professional success, creative inspiration and optimism step beside you from year to year, and inexhaustible life energy contributes to the implementation of all plans and intentions, both professional and personal. Our congratulations!

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