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Congratulations on Forensic Expert’s Day!

Every year, on July 4, Ukraine celebrates a professional holiday — the Day of the Forensic Expert. The glorious tradition of celebration was started in 2009 by the Order of the President of Ukraine. In addition, on this day, more than 100 years ago, Kyiv and Odesa Scientific Research Institutes were founded.

Forensic examination, as a professional activity, has a long history. In our time, forensic examination continues to play an extremely important role in the judiciary. Forensic experts, using scientific knowledge and methods, establish the truth, thereby protecting the rights of man, society, and the state. The peculiarity of the work of a forensic expert is the need to combine high professionalism, perseverance, impartiality, and objectivity, which makes this profession unique.

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, on behalf of the whole staff, congratulates colleagues on their professional holiday; we wish you breakthrough ideas, inspiration in business, success in all your endeavors! Family warmth, happiness, and health to you, your family, and your loved ones. Happy holiday!

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