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Conference “Urgent Problems of Forensic Expertise and Criminalistics”

The delegation of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise took part in the conference “Urgent problems of forensic expertise and criminalistics” in Kharkiv.

The event was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the establishment of Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations.

As it has been know, Ukrainian forensics has a rich and vivid history of development. The first forensic institutions that are now included in the system of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine are the modern Kyiv and Odesa Scientific Research Institutes of Forensic Expertise. Ten years later, Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations was founded; further Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk Institutes.

Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of KFI, noted in her congratulatory speech that each institution has its own history of the past rich and large-scale plans for future implementation.

Now the research institutes of forensic examinations are powerful teams of professionals working in defense of justice and the formation of truth, at a high professional level ensure the activities of courts of all levels, investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, prosecutors, customs and other departments whose tasks the whole range of forensic, traditional and new types of forensic examinations.

As in any field, experts face certain difficulties. It is possible to solve problematic issues during joint meetings with colleagues.

Thus, the following list of issues was discussed at the conference “Urgent problems of forensic examination and criminalistics”:

  • legal regulation of forensic expertise in Ukraine: problems and their solutions;
  • tasks and trends in forensic science at the present stage of its development;
  • topical issues of the theory of forensic expertise;
  • theoretical and legal problems of the implementation of international standards in the activities of forensic institutions of Ukraine;
  • problems of scientific, methodological and information support of forensic activities;
  • the use of innovative technologies in the development of methods of conducting certain types of examinations;
  • improvement of professional training of forensic experts on the basis of the professional model of subjects of forensic activities;
  • theoretical and applied problems of monitoring the state of violations of the principles of expert activity and standards for ensuring human rights and freedoms;
  • the current state and prospects for the development of expert didactics;
  • international cooperation in the field of forensics.

In general, the conference contributed to the establishment of interdepartmental communication between specialists, the study of the possibilities of modern technologies and the joint search for ways to solve problematic issues.

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