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By the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kyiv Scientific research Institute of Forensic Expertise has been determined by the state expert organization responsible for conducting forensic examinations to establish the authenticity of tobacco products

By the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 20, 2019 No 172-р Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine was determined as the main state expert institution responsible for conducting forensic examinations to establish the authenticity of tobacco products and the identification of the equipment on which it is manufactured.

The relevant decision was made within the framework of the implementation of the “Strategy in the field of combating the illegal production and trafficking of tobacco products for the period up to 2021”. The provisions of the document are aimed at eliminating the illicit trade in cigarettes and other tobacco products, their illegal production and forgery.

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is a state expert organization that has a complete set of equipment (in particular, a special system for determining the characteristics of tobacco and its origin), which allows quickly and fully to explore both tobacco products and their packaging materials.

Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise who conduct research on tobacco products that have undergone special training, including in the leading laboratories of the countries of the European Union and have the appropriate certificates to perform this examinations.

The adoption of the act will contribute to the quality of such examinations taking into account the experience of KFI. The indicated Order will allow ensuring proper counteraction to the illegal production of tobacco products on the territory of Ukraine.

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