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A roundtable discussion was held with the participation of KFI experts

On March 21, 2024, at the invitation of the legal community, the experts of KFI took part in the round table “Forensic examinations as means of proving in the trials of cases of corruption criminal offenses”.

Ihor Hrynenko, Head of the Department of Research on Financial and Credit Operations and Economic Activities of Enterprises of the Laboratory of Economic Research of KFI, delivered a report on “Economic Expertise in Criminal Proceedings on Corruption Criminal Offenses”.

Yevhen Tymko, Head of the Department of Phonoscopic, Computer and Telecommunication Research of the Laboratory of Criminalistics of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, presented a report on “Modern directions of expert research in the field of “Digital Forensics”.

The event also included reports on the procedural problems of appointing and conducting forensic examinations; on the problems of engaging private forensic experts by the prosecution, and the prospects for using new types of forensic examinations; and on the consequences of bringing a forensic expert to disciplinary responsibility in the process of proof.

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