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A meeting of the Technical Committee 192 “Forensic Sciences” was held

On December 14, 2022, in accordance with the Work Plan, a meeting of the Technical Committee 192 “Forensic Sciences”, hereinafter referred to as TC, took place.

The meeting was attended by:

  • Oleksandr Ruvin, Head of TC;
  • Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Head of TC;
  • Oleksandr Borys, Secretary of TC;
  • Yurii Irkhin, Head of the Psychological Research Department;
  • Mykola Molyboha, Leading Researcher;
  • Roman Pasko, Head of the Laboratory of Engineering and Technical Types of Research of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Deputy Head of the Section;
  • Oleksandr Sylkin, Head of the Main Forensic Center of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;
  • Andrii Padalka, Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Expertise;
  • Oksana Samkova, Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine;
  • Yurii Prykhodko, Associate Professor of the Department of Forensic Support and Forensic Expertise of the National Academy of Sciences;
  • Ruslan Klymas, Head of the Statistics Department of the Institute of Public Administration and Scientific Research on Civil Protection;
  • Valeriia Dyshlova, Head of the Engineering, Technical and Forensic Examination Department of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

Other members of the committee joined online, in Zoom conference mode.

During the TC meeting, issues related to the change of the executive secretary of TC 192, changes in authorized representatives of collective and individual members of TC 192, and changes in members of subcommittees and working groups were considered.

In addition, the representatives of TC 192 “Forensic Sciences” discussed the development of the State Standard of Ukraine projects in the field of information technologies, forensic fire-technical examination, electrical engineering, auto engineering, portrait, explosive engineering, psychological, construction engineering, economic, construction evaluation, and other types of examinations.

According to the results of the meeting, all issues were considered, information on the development of the State Standard of Ukraine projects was noted, and proposals for the development of new the State Standard of Ukraine projects were supported with their inclusion in the National Standardization Work Program for 2023.

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