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A meeting of the forensic fire-technical examination section was held

On November 04, 2022, in accordance with the plan of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on Forensic Science at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, a meeting of the Forensic Fire Technical Expertise Section was held via videoconference mode.

The following participated in the work of the section from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine:

  • Oleksandr Shmereho, Head of the Department of Life Safety Research, Fire Engineering and Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory of Engineering and Technical Types of Research, Head of the Section;
  • Oleksandr Lysenko, Deputy Head of the Department of Life Safety Research, Fire Engineering and Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory of Engineering and Technical Types of Research, Section Secretary;
  • Ihor Stelmashov, Leading Forensic Expert of the Zhytomyr branch of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise;
  • Oleksandr Zherebko, Head of the Normative and Methodical Activity and Standardization Department;

At the meeting of the section, there was a discussion of the issues on the agenda, namely: discussion of the results of the work of the scientific institutions on fire -technical types of research for the year 2022; consideration of tasks for the research proposed to be included in the thematic plan of the research of the Ministry of Justice for 2023 and discussion of the results of the research conducted in 2021-2022; discussion of the results of the testing and implementation of the research, which were carried out in accordance with the testing and implementation plans of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2022. The participants of the section also agreed on the work plan of the fire-technical section for 2023 and outlined other relevant issues of the section’s work.

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