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19th International Forensic Science Managers Symposium: participation of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and Anna Artamonova, Senior Researcher of the Materials, Substances and Products Research Department for the first time introduced the Institute at the 19th Interpol International Forensic Managers Symposium.

This important forum, which is held every three years, brings together the leaders of the world’s leading expert laboratories to discuss the achievements and prospects of the development of forensic science.

The goal of the Interpol International Forensic Science Managers Symposium is to join forces and create a forum to help:

  • presentation of achievements in the development of scientific research methods of the previous three years and analysis of the future needs of forensic science;
  • exchange of information, which will increase the level of forensic research;
  • discussion of problematic issues that arise during the conduct of various types of forensic research and a joint search for ways to solve it;
  • exchange and combining ideas for further progress.

Interpol recognizes and emphasizes that coordination of efforts is the norm and the need of the present, because forensic science is dynamically developing and the achievements of scientific methods of forensic research are ongoing. This issue is especially relevant in view of the wide range of scientific disciplines used in the work of forensic experts.

The work of the participants was organized in the format of plenary sessions and the presentation of thematic poster sessions.

Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise presented the general work of the Institute and elaborated in more detail the process of conducting research on artillery and missile weapons, conducting military and explosive research.

Anna Artamonova, Senior Researcher of the Materials, Substances and Products Research Department, presented questioned document examination poster.

The greatest interest in the scientific posters of the participants of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise was revealed by representatives of expert institutions in the USA, China and Belgium. During the conversation, foreign colleagues also spoke about similar types of research and methodology on the basis of their own departments.

Traditionally, the general agenda included the following thematic blocks:

  • Forensic Chemistry, research of materials, substances and products;
  • Research of drugs and toxicological substances;
  • Electronic evidence, audio recording research and computer forensics;
  • Identification and trasology research

Particular attention was paid to the global threat of human trafficking and the consideration of the forensic aspects of the investigation of relevant specific cases.

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