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General provisions

Construction and technical examination is a process of research of objects, phenomena and processes based on special knowledge in the field of construction in order to provide an opinion on issues that are or will be the subject of litigation.

The subject of construction and technical examination is a range of issues in the field of construction, including pricing in construction, the solution of which belongs to the competence of experts in construction and technical examination.

The object of construction and technical examination as a whole are those sources of information about the established facts, those media that are subject to investigation and through which the expert learns the circumstances that are the subject of the examination.

Objects of construction and technical examination are the following:

  • real estate objects (land plots, buildings, structures, transmitting devices and other objects related to real estate in accordance with the legislation);
  • building materials, structures and products, as well as technical documentation for it production, laboratory tests etc.;
  • construction machinery, mechanisms and equipment (within the competence of the expert of construction and technical examination);
  • urban planning, permitting, design and estimate, reporting, executive and other technical and technological documentation for the design, construction and operation of real estate, structures and equipment;
  • normative and normative-technical documents regulating works on construction and operation of objects;
  • right-establishing documents for real estate objects;
  • technical inventory materials for real estate objects;
  • acts, reports and conclusions of various kinds of inspections, examinations, research and evaluations;
  • physical evidence and case materials, etc.;

Tasks solved by construction and technical examination

The main tasks of construction and technical examination are:

  • determining the compliance of the developed design and technical and estimate documentation to the requirements of regulations in the field of construction;
  • determining the compliance of construction works and constructed real estate (buildings, structures, etc.) design and technical documentation and requirements of regulations in the field of construction;
  • determining the compliance of construction work, individual elements of real estate, structures, products and materials of design and technical documentation and the requirements of regulations in the field of construction;
  • definition, verification of volumes and the cost of construction work performed and the primary reporting documentation on construction and their compliance with the design and estimate documentation, requirements of regulations in the field of construction;
  • determination of capital group, category of complexity, degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures and degree of construction readiness of unfinished objects;
  • determination of technical condition of buildings, structures and engineering networks, causes of damage and destruction of objects and its elements;
  • determination of the cost of construction works related to re-equipment, elimination of consequences of flooding, fire, natural disaster, mechanical impact, etc.;
  • determination of possibilities and development of options for distribution (allocation of share; order of use) of real estate objects, etc. structures and engineering networks, the causes of damage and destruction of facilities and their elements;
  • determining the cost of construction work related to re-equipment, elimination of floods, fires, natural disasters, mechanical impact, etc.; shares, order of use) of real estate, etc. structures and engineering networks, the causes of damage and destruction of facilities and their elements;
  • determining the cost of construction work related to re-equipment, elimination of floods, fires, natural disasters, mechanical impact, etc.; shares, order of use) of real estate, etc.;

Issues to be resolved during the construction and technical examination

The indicative list of issues to be resolved by construction and technical examination.

  • Does the developed design and estimate documentation meet the requirements of regulations in the field of construction (State building codes, Building regulations, etc.)? If not, what are the discrepancies?
  • Do the performed construction works meet the design documentation and the requirements of regulations in the field of construction? If they do not comply, what are the discrepancies?
  • Do the objects (buildings, structures, etc.) meet the design and technical documentation for their construction (repair, reconstruction) and the requirements of regulations in the field of construction? If not, what are the discrepancies?
  • Do the construction work performed (or individual elements of real estate, structures, products, materials, etc.) design and technical documentation and requirements of regulations in the field of construction (State building codes, Building regulations, standards, specifications, etc.)? If not, what are the discrepancies?
  • What is the list and volume of construction work actually performed on construction (repair, reconstruction)?
  • What is the cost of construction work actually performed (repair, reconstruction)?
  • Do the volumes correspond to and the cost of actually performed works on construction (repair, reconstruction) of objects to the volumes and cost determined by the design and estimate or primary reporting documentation on construction?
  • Does the primary reporting documentation (forms КБ-2в, КБ-3, etc.) on construction correspond? Repair, reconstruction) in the order of preparation and calculations of the requirements of regulations in the field of construction?
  • What is the technical cause of damage and destruction of real estate (elements, structures, utilities, etc.)?
  • What is the cost of repair and construction work, which is necessary to eliminate damage due to flooding, fire, natural disaster, mechanical impact, subsidence, etc.?
  • What is the amount of material damage to the object (building, apartment, room, decoration, etc.) due to flooding, fire, natural disaster, mechanical impact, subsidence, etc.?
  • What is the functional purpose of the premises? Do the premises of the building belong to non-residential (auxiliary)?
  • Is it technically possible to divide in accordance with the requirements of regulations in the field of construction? Determine the order of use) of real estate in accordance with the shares of co-owners (specify shares).
  • What options for distribution (allocation of shares; determination of the order of use) of real estate can be determined in accordance with shares of co-owners (specify shares) and regulatory requirements.
  • Does the building belong to the category of religious buildings: temples, church buildings according to the architectural solution (style)? (This issue can be resolved by conducting a comprehensive examination with the involvement of relevant specialists.) Church buildings? (This issue can be resolved by conducting a comprehensive examination with the involvement of relevant specialists.) Church buildings? (This issue can be resolved by conducting a comprehensive examination with the involvement of relevant specialists.).

Features of the purpose of construction and technical examination

The issue of compliance of the developed design and technical and estimate documentation with the requirements of regulations in the field of construction, as well as the issue of determining the compliance of construction works and constructed real estate (buildings, structures, etc.) with the design and technical documentation and regulations in construction industries can be solved if the expert (experts) have the relevant professional knowledge, including on narrowly focused issues, design, construction and operation of construction projects, taking into account the volume of materials and complexity of the object and other features.

To address issues of the following: the compliance of the developed design and estimate documentation with the requirements of regulations in the field of construction (State building codes, Building regulations, etc.); compliance of actually performed construction works with project documentation and requirements of normative legal acts in the field of construction; determination of the list and volumes of actually performed works on construction (repair, reconstruction) of objects; determination of the cost of actually performed works on construction of objects; determination of compliance of volumes and cost of actually executed construction works with volumes and cost determined by design-estimate or primary reporting documentation; compliance of the primary reporting documentation on construction according to the procedure of drawing up and the given calculations to the requirements of normative legal acts in the field of construction – the expert must provide contractual documentation (contracts and appendices, additional agreements, etc.), as well as design estimates (forms КБ-2в, КБ-3, information on writing off materials, log of works, acts of inspection of hidden works, acts of tests, etc.) for construction works. To address issues on the compliance of real estate design and technical documentation for their construction (repair, reconstruction) and the requirements of regulations in the field of construction (urban planning, firefighting, sanitation, etc.); conformity of the executed construction works (separate elements of objects, designs, products.

To address issues related to determining the technical condition (degree of physical wear), accident rate, capital group, category of complexity, degree of fire resistance of real estate, as well as determining damage and destruction of the object and its structural elements and their causes, the expert must provide design documentation for the construction of the facility, a document on its commissioning, technical inventory materials, acts and reports of previous inspections and research, etc.

To resolve the issues of determining the technical feasibility of distribution (allocation of shares; determination of the order of use) of real estate (residential buildings, apartments, commercial and industrial facilities) and provide options for such distribution, the expert must provide title documents to the property, data on the shares of co-owners, a document on the commissioning of the object, technical inventory materials, data on the actual use of real estate. If the body (person) that appointed the expertise (involved the expert), considers it necessary to take into account when preparing options for the division of the proposal of the participants in the trial, such proposals should be set out in the document on the appointment of the examination ( involvement of an expert).